mistaking paradise
notes from the home across the road

Tuesday, February 24, 2004
it was a few weeks ago, but diana from gotham summarises things quite nicely:
In any case, the flap over Bush's national service is one of context. George Bush is a mediocre resentful drunk who failed upwards at everything in life, who admits that he joined the National Guard because he didn't want to serve in a war that he didn't have the guts to oppose, who as President betrayed the trust of the American people and the world by lying the country into a unecessary war whose disastrous consequences will be unfolding for generations...Oh, well, you get the point. I grow repetitive...Let's just say that Bush isn't the kind of guy that I'd want to serve a second term in the White House. The comparison with Kerry's Vietnam service is kinda embarassing...The controversy over Bush's service is one of fitness for office and betrayal of trust. And if it was no big deal, then why didn't he simply release all relevant documents in 2000?

praying for regime change here at home.... [wr]

today's announcement of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage is just more hate speech from president bush, who is clearly a divider, not a uniter. hopefully this bush administration is accomplishing on a national level the complete trashing of the republican base in the same way that california governor pete wilson used divisive hate speech to trash the republican base in california in the early 1990s. honest, fair minded people can be fooled in the beginning, but in the end we have no use for so-called leaders who rely on lies, diversions and intolerance to maintain their desperate grasp on power.

Friday, February 20, 2004
let's call this post a new hope. maybe in 2004 we have a chance of snatching power away from the awful conservative machinery of death and insanity that purports to govern the u.s.a. in our name. today i am allowing myself to hope that the neocon trash at the top can be defeated in november, after which we can begin a cleanup of the wreckage they have made of our culture. is it possible to restore civility and respect to a people who have been force fed for four years a steady diet of hate speech, public tantrums and outrageous behavior from right wing creeps? after four years of suffering through the arrogance of george w. bush and dick cheney i am allowing for the possibility that a voting majority are sick and tired of being treated like shit by these so-called leaders. what do you call leadership that moves in the wrong direction? that encourages hatred, arrogance and intolerance? i call it a step backwards for the world. i call it excessive. i call it conservatives behaving badly. this year let's invite them to leave. [wr]