mistaking paradise
notes from the home across the road

Friday, February 20, 2004
let's call this post a new hope. maybe in 2004 we have a chance of snatching power away from the awful conservative machinery of death and insanity that purports to govern the u.s.a. in our name. today i am allowing myself to hope that the neocon trash at the top can be defeated in november, after which we can begin a cleanup of the wreckage they have made of our culture. is it possible to restore civility and respect to a people who have been force fed for four years a steady diet of hate speech, public tantrums and outrageous behavior from right wing creeps? after four years of suffering through the arrogance of george w. bush and dick cheney i am allowing for the possibility that a voting majority are sick and tired of being treated like shit by these so-called leaders. what do you call leadership that moves in the wrong direction? that encourages hatred, arrogance and intolerance? i call it a step backwards for the world. i call it excessive. i call it conservatives behaving badly. this year let's invite them to leave. [wr]

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