mistaking paradise
notes from the home across the road
Sunday, October 17, 2004
the fog of war
two weeks before election day the biggest messages emanating from the bush-cheney campaign are to describe kerry as a massachusetts liberal and to whine about what was a relatively minor comment on mary cheney's sexual orientation but is now persistent front page news. this is fairly incoherent behavior from a ruthless and discliplined republican team more commonly on message than most political machines. are they out of ammunition? why did they change messages from kerry the flip-flopper? where is the bush-cheney october surprise? mary cheney is not an issue that deserves so much coverage. what am i missing that makes this appear to be a target of opportunity for the republicans? from my scan of the news the biggest issues of the week are:
meanwhile, on the home front, there are concerns about the ability of the american balloting system to manage a clean polling process on tuesday november 2nd. legal strategies are in place to drive this election back to the supreme court like in 2000. i remember in one marathon i was so exhausted that i stopped thinking coherently somewhere after the 25th mile, which in retrospect i likened to the fog of war. like the end of a marathon, this presidential campaign has entered the fog of war stage, and the bush-cheney campaign has just changed messages. are they that desperate? is this a diversion? or is it an early indication of their coming defeat? we'll know soon enough. Comments:
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